Chris Buchan's Blog; Reaching for a freedom in Life that will allow me to be more like my Lord Jesus

Friday, May 13, 2011

God Speak... I'm Listening!!

Have you ever had one of those moments, that you just know something is about to happen, you don't know what, you maybe even try to figure it out but it comes out all wrong coz you voiced it too quickly and before it had really grown it's fruit, that's where I am today.

The family have gone to the zoo and I am in much need of some peace and quiet. Too much has been going on, I feel I haven't spent enough time with my best friend and it's just me and him all the way today... awesome God, I am so excited...

What is He going to say, I tried speaking it out in prayer but it got too messy and confusing as it just wasn't there yet... Do you know what I mean, it was germinating not yet grown not yet in bloom. Anything great takes time, patience I am learning is no fun, no fun but very good for you...

I still have such a ways to go!!

I know that but I always try to fly before I can walk, it's just me, but the funny thing is I really like it that way. In my path to finding freedom, I no longer want to go it alone. I'm healed done and dusted, this is no longer about John, but about my walk with God in finding total freedom to be the woman the princess he adopted me to be.

I just wrote this to a friend on facebook who adopted their daughter

"it's just like new birth she gets two because she was made yours that day, Such an awesome thing adoption, we are adopted by God into his royal line, that is so awesome with it comes a lot of responsibility but so much authority as well, humbles you, you are the ones who were given this wonderful child, this beautiful blessing, it makes me feel so blessed, reminds me what real love is, it's a choice not just a warm fuzzy feeling, you are awesome and such a blessing, be blessed today, you changed a life and she changed yours, just like us and God so wonderful!!! so Happy adoption day"

This made me cry because I think this is what God is trying to show me right now. I didn't earn this relationship, I was chosen, adopted into the authority that a child of the King receives. Not a pauper, a slave, a servant, a worker, but a daughter. Do you know how awesome that is?

God, King of Kings, became our father and all that belonged to that relationship came with it. His kingdom is your kingdom, His authority backs you up, His standing is where you live, where you are, your very existence changed when He chose you... I really feel or believe we really don't get this understanding deep in our core being. We should, walk, talk, be different just by who calls us His... for being His child we should automatically be more!!!

I heard Heidi Baker once describe the authority her adopted kids took after they belonged compared to the kids that came for a visit. They had fridge rights, telephone rights, even couch and TV rights lol. That's what we have. When God speaks we listen... hopefully... After our adoption just because we are now named, stamped, given our adoption papers we take on a different standing, we won't unless we really believe He is our dad, not just the father figure but our dad, abba.

Yes let it sink way down deep!

All His authority He gives to us, we have His ring, His stamp of authority, His ear to listen to us and His command to speak.

Think about that really think about it... 

We know He has the authority over us, as we are still His children, but everything else comes into alignment with His will "If" there's that little wee word with the big voice again, "If" we allow him, we can be led to the refrigerator but we can't be made to believe that we have the authority to reach inside till we truly believe we belong...

That I believe is where God's got me today...

Do I truly trust this God, this Father, has He proven himself to love me like my dad?

I believe we go through stuff, hard stuff, we are allowed to question, argue, wonder, but from there we have to trust He is big enough, wise enough, strong enough and trustworthy enough and believe He knows what He is doing.

"If" yes "If" we do, we will be able to walk out with true authority the calling, path, journey He has planned and set before us, but our part is to truly have the Faith in the Faithful one, to take Him at His word and believe Him and trust Him.

Can I do that, I believe I walk taller, believe deeper and have more freedom to walk out my role as His daughter every day!!!

Let me compare it to this next part of my journey... 

A few weeks ago my pastor, friend and mentor went out to lunch with me, I thought I was there for a totally different reason. BUT God had other plans that day. My life changed and I listened to something I never thought was possible for my life.

She told me about marriage, then my marriage, and I listened! I didn't argue I listened, that in itself is a miracle, The seed was planted in the fertile soil God had prepared, He had raked, pulled out the weeds, tilled, fertilized, and watered that earth till it was rich in it's acceptance of the seed that was planted. That seed is growing strong, and deep, it is nurtured in the light and warmth of the Son, the King of Kings is it's gardner and I am blessed, so blessed...

She said my marriage was dead, not by my making but truth all the same that I had to stop being stiffed necked (looking back at the things of the past that were gone) and had to start moving and looking forward. She then went on to challenge me to become a participant, an active member in my own life.

I started to share about this man who I had thought about throughout the years.

In trepidation, I shared about one time when I was tempted to sin. I took a step towards him and I believe with my whole being was saved from myself and that moment of weakness by God. I have asked God to keep me right and in His will so many times, I have asked Him to be my strength, my truth, my shield, my warrior, my defender, my freedom and He has. He saved me from the wrong path and kept me. Yes I took the step towards the sin but He held me while I struggled and was weak. The man never knew what I had done until the time was right. 

Susanna felt discernment that day and boldly told me that was the man for me. I don't know why that was the day, that was the time but I'm so grateful she took that step of faith and strength. My life was changed that day I believe because God ordered her steps and opened my heart.

I didn't just step out of the boat, but I jumped feet first into the most fantastic, exciting, wonderful storm of a life I hopefully can be a part of for the rest of mine. I wrote an email, and he responded. Looking back even over this very short time I believe this is crazy, scary and from all angles so out of whack that if I thought about doing this again I think the storm, the wind, and the thoughts of who may be hurt would have shut it down but I have such peace, such joy flowing in my very being I have to trust God is doing and leading this. 

I am in love with the best man for me. I couldn't have dreamed this, or maybe the Lord set this dream in my heart. I love the verses in Psalms 37:4-6 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this, He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. That doesn't mean our fleshly desires but for us to be open for His desires to be placed in us. 

This man's life is tough, He has gone through so much in these last years, he believes the timing is wrong as everything is still too fresh and so new in what he is trying to go through in his life and the life of his daughter and family. There are so many parts of this that have to be approached with love and sensitivity. Others are involved whom are loved by him so much and could really be devastated and hurt by what is happening and neither of us would ever want to hurt. But he loves me despite all that he is living through. He has many layers of thoughts, many paths to walk, many hurdles to jump, many mountains to climb BUT I believe God loved him so much that He chose for him not to do any of that alone but to have a strong, healed and blessed woman to help walk beside him, supporting him in prayer but also by just standing along side him, not to sound arrogant but because I am so honored to say, that's me. I was made for this role. I was made to be this man's sole mate. Never before have I walked taller, felt deeper, glowed like I am just now. He has set a flame in my very being that just burns brighter every day. I am different because I am loved by this man.

I am a blessed beyond measure full to the brim woman of God loved by an awesome man of God, who gets me, fits me, thinks I'm crazy, weird, awesome, delightful, wonderful, not patient, who puts the cart before the horse and is overwhelming him but who is still willing to do this life with me. How awesome is that.

I am not blessed because I got a man, I am living out God's will for my Life because I got this man!!!!

I have flown in freedom just by the thought of him, when the reality of him sinks into my being and I am fully his, fully his woman, signed sealed, and chosen, I don't think anything will stop me.

Yes that sounds nuts but I get it, I know that I know that I am his and he is mine!!! I trust God in this relationship so much so that the idea of me has even changed. I'm different...

Now to get back to what God is saying, when this man responded, and it started to settle into my core being what was happening, I looked different, I talked different, I even acted different, I had less fear, more power just by the thought of who he is in my life. Let me explain, I am a single woman, in a leadership role in a church. Let that sink in, whether or not I wanted a man or not, the possibility that I did was still there. I didn't want one... but I was free to want one... Am I making sense... Sin is a choice... I don't choose even to think that way but others don't always see or feel or believe my heart. Walls are raised, positions are taken and I have feelings and discernment, I act a certain way, I am a certain woman just because of my status, divorced woman in church. My head changed that day, my thinking changed that day, my very being changed that day. Not because any man had reached out to me but because this man had. I knew him, I trusted him, I loved him, but more importantly his life spoke volumes to me, his character was there, his walk was there, his past was a road map of who he is!!! Do you hear me. I knew this man, I dreamed this man, I trusted this man.

God knew me, before I knew what I needed myself, He knew what I would need for me to accept this new role. Someone new and strange in my life wouldn't fit. I have known this man for close to 15 years. He is part of my family, my best guy friend. But he has been out of my life since John has, God took me to Houston, He protected me from myself. I have hardly said a word to my friend since John left because I know me, I know I am weak and I know how safe I have always felt with him. But I know God has and had to be my strength. God needed to heal me, guide me to this point. This man is now newly free through death and not sin. He has accepted me into his life and God will and has blessed it. 

God does the same... but deeper, better, and truer when He chooses us into His family.The possibility of who we are is there because of a relationship that was chosen and accepted. The price which was paid was the highest of any, a life for a life. All because he had a passion, a love, a plan, a future for us to step into, yes our part is to accept the position, the relationship, the very authority He has given us. 

Just like I believe, and think differently because of this man, and his role and the relationship he has chosen to become in my life which I have chosen to accept. I walk taller, I think deeper, I have more authority, I have greater standing because I am loved, I am cared for, I am believed in. He thinks I can do this. In fact he believes in me so much he knows I can. How awesome is that, the encouragement, the strength but also the responsibility I have in this new role is strong and deep. I am no longer living my life for myself, my children or family, I am living it with someone who loves me. My responsibility as his sole mate will become more fully realized as we step into our future not just mine. But I no longer walk alone, I have a helper who believes in me, and knows he will be there for me. God's like that but even better, perfect for us in that He is God, His beliefs are always true, His plan is always for our good, He loves us with an everlasting love, he will never leave us or forsake us, He is God, His character and who He is never changes, and He believes in us enough to want to use us to further His kingdom and bring more people into this wonderful awesome relationship. Doesn't that want to make you walk taller, be stronger pay the price and walk out your calling in the authority he has chosen for you?

This makes so much sense, not to harp back to the past and the bondage I have felt but in a brief comparison when someone doesn't believe in you as much as they believe in themselves it does damage. I had to heal deeply from what happened to me. We all have hard stuff to walk through but if we have encouraging words, a helping hand, and truth spoken into our lives, we can be so much more, do so much more, conquer so much more!! We can fly in freedom of God's love being realized in us...

But words have the power of Life. Proverbs 18:21 says "The tongue has the power of life and death" What comes out of a persons heart is powerful. Matthew 12:34,35 warns "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him." we have the responsibility to feed ourselves with good, truth and faith that comes from God and His words. 

I have a last question today, Do you want to see the light, the growth, from behind prison bars of your own making or of allowing someone else to en-prison you or in the freedom of walking out your one and only life in the freedom and liberty and authority and responsibility that the lover of your sole has for you and has chosen to give you? Accept the relationship, accept the calling, accept the authority and accept the price, which is all of your life not part but all... Free to fly in the Freedom of God's will for your life.

The below part in blue isn't mine the red link is where I got it, some interesting stuff!!

“However, when they persisted with their question, He raised Himself up and said, Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7NKJV).
“ For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”( Ephesians 6:12 NKJV)                            

Out of the Heart the Mouth Speaks

Beloved, put away all thoughts, words and deeds against others no matter how small and in inconsequential they may seem. There is no such thing as inconsequential word. They either bring about good consequences or bad ones. Even if they have a seemingly neutral connotation, to them there is almost always an underlying motive of some sort.

Thoughts contrary to the Word make mischief in your heart. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). There is no such thing as a little wrong thought. Each negative thought you give in to makes way for more unprofitable thoughts. They build on each other one by one. So be most careful! Reckless words born out of wrong thoughts not taken captive to the obedience of Christ leads to mistakes and unkind ways.

Words not thought out before spoken can cause you to veer off the path of righteous ways of being and doing. Often times, words are spoken in relation to observations made about circumstances and situations you encounter. Just because something looks one way on the surface doesn’t mean it is as it seems or that it has to stay the same.. Choose not to come into agreement with visible negative facts but release the truth of My Word over the situation or person. Let the inherent power of My Word have its way. Agree with Me and not supposed facts.
I have taught you to feed off every Word proceeding from My mouth for I only speak that which gives life. Consider how others feed from the words of your mouth. Therefore, be mindful of what your say and create life, create hope. You will not be disappointed.

A Tree Is Known By Its Fruit

Beloved, I tell you to speak words of love— words of patience because I love you and want you to walk in all the fullness of My abundant life. I do not want you to endure the results caused by planting wrong seeds in your heart or the hearts of others. It is much easier to deal with things right up front than to spend precious time weeding out the garden of your life. This time could be used in much better ways. Besides, I have made you like Me. This is what it’s all about.
All the words I speak to you, even if they bring to light issues of your heart, create life. Once again, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Adjust your heart attitude and your words will change.
Not only do reckless words plant a destructive crop of weeds, they will cause you to drift back into old habit patterns, opening doors to doubt and unbelief. Sin always crouches at the door of your heart looking for entrance, hoping to draw you into unacceptable ways (Genesis 4:7).
How the old nature wants to instate its place as head over all and to exercise control over your thought life—over your spoken word. As in all things, I give you power to overcome any such tendencies from the smallest to the largest, and to fulfill the highest commandment next to loving Me—loving your neighbor as yourself.
Remember, each tree is known by its fruit; each fountain is known by its water. Today is a day of graceful thinking and graceful words. Embrace it.
Sticks and Stones
Unguarded and ill thought-out words open doors for the enemy as much or more than actions. Many an unsound action has come out of ill-spoken words. The sound of your words continues on, creating life or death (Proverbs 18:21). If spoken directly to a person, they have the power to inflict wounds that last a lifetime. Sticks and stones break bones but words have the potential to destroy a heart —a life.
Why so much time on this subject? Ah . . . it is so necessary. I formed and framed the worlds with My Words (Hebrews 11:3). I used words to create fashion and to equip. Well-chosen words have the power to equip, to prepare, to train the lives of those around you in the same way My words equipped the earth to hold and sustain multitudes of those I love.
Words not only equip, they sustain and enable one to maintain a constant path for good or bad. One of the most beautiful results birthed out of words of life is the ability to bring chaos into order. My Words took a void wasteland and changed it into a garden. So can yours.
Choose life, and if you struggle in areas of critical thinking, take the time to renew your mind in this area with My Word (Romans 12:2). Speak like Me and you will be like Me in the natural realm. The inside will transform the outside. Call yourself what I call you and be changed.
Pleasant Words Are As A Honeycomb
Beloved, consider this; If you drove your car the way you speak, would you still be driving accident free? The course of hell is sat on fire by the tongue (James 3:1-12). Your words have the power of life and death. Choose life! Choose life not only for others but also for your own self. It is not OK to speak kindly to others and demean yourself. I desire for you to speak only beneficial words over your own life as well.
As your draw closer to Me in the days to come, listen carefully and I will put My words in your mouth. I will purify your heart and cause your fountain to only bring forth sweet water. This is a common plight to all men for all have sinned and come short of My glory but it is possible to live a pure hearted life without guile.
Repent and choose life! Ask for forgiveness from anyone you’ve hurt, disparaged or judged with your thoughts, words or actions and I will nullify them. I will release healing in their place. I will put a guard over your mouth and anoint your lips with kindness. I will cause pleasant words to flow from you like honey from the honeycomb. And like honey, they will bring healing to your mind and body (Proverbs 16:24).

Let Your Speech Be Good And Beneficial To Others

Beloved, let Me contend with hurtful words or wrong actions others have levied against you. Choose in your own heart not to receive them, and I will take care of the rest. Negative responses only perpetuate things and forestall the graces of My heart. I will take care of every word raised up against you (Isaiah 54:17). This is the heritage of My sons and daughters—to have righteousness, security and triumph over ever opposition. When you realize your place, your heritage of any need to retaliate or respond in a negative manner will fade away, enabling you to completely depend on Me.
When wrong hurtful words come out of your mouth in response, having destructive judgmental potential, they transfer intent and fault to another person thereby justifying your own position. If they have done things contrary to My will, it is My place to contend. I may use you to speak into their life if you are in a place of humility and not judgment. Love covers a multitude of sins and mercy triumphs over judgment (1 Peter 4:8 Proverbs 10:12). It is so for you—it is so for others.
Therefore, let no talk or language come out of your mouth unless it is edifying (Ephesians 4:29). If you think on whatever is lovely and upright, your speech will reflect it. You are what you eat. Eat the Word and you will be the manifested Word in your own life and the lives of others. There is no other way.
Know I am saying all of this because I love you and want your life to manifest an unparalleled blessing and fullness. Not only is it My job to do so but a most cherished privilege I do not take lightly.

Prayer of Supplication and Declaration

Father, open the eyes of my heart in this area and flood it with Your light. Please make me aware of any unknown judgments I have against others. I repent and ask forgiveness for all the ones I am aware of. I never want to side with the enemy or his tactics in any way. I am so aware of all my own weakness and hate it when people throw stones at me. It is not my place and hurts my relationship with You, obscuring the fullness of communion with You.
I forgive others for the stones they have thrown at me and forgive myself for responding in a like manner. You are my defender and I release all these things into Your hands. I release the stones and pick up the sword and Your Word, cutting asunder the enemy. I want my heart to be one of service and love. I choose to forgive as I am forgiven and love as I am loved. Father, I thank you for Your correction. It is always seasoned with mercy, grace and love building up; it never tears down. I will not cast the first stone.
Reflect and Journal
1.    Take some time to contemplate the underlying motives of even the simplest negative words you might be accustomed to thinking. What are some of these words?
2.    Are there some words you have spoken out of frustration or what one might call simple observation of the facts in your own life or the lives of others? Break agreement with any negative association and speak His Word.
3.    What crops in your life are you now harvesting due to wrong words planted? Repent, ask for forgiveness, and release anyone, including you, involved. Speak death to all weeds and tares and any possible future harvest.
4.    Examine the fruit in your life and you will automatically know what you have been planting by way of words or attitudes.
5.    In what areas or with what people do you need to develop patience? Submit your heart to the process and be willing for the Lord to bring to light anything prohibiting this from taking place.
6.    In what way are you framing your family, your job, or the world you are living in with your words? Take some time to really think on this and make adjustments.
7.    What chaotic situation in your life or the lives of others needs for you to speak a Word which can and will restore order? Ask Holy Spirit which Word you should use. He knows best.
8.    Take some time to reflect on any words you habitually speak over your own life. For instance, you could always say, “I’m tired!” If you constantly say this I guarantee you will be tired. All words great and small have the power to affect your life. Be careful what you say.
9.    Think about it, break agreement and embrace the truth in its place. In reference to the above example one opposite confession would be, “When I am weak He is strong!” See the difference. Both ways of speaking take the same amount of energy but have different results. Which way would you prefer to be?
10. Have you felt yourself on the defensive rather than the offensive with anyone in your life? Take some time to be in His presence and let go.
11. Have you let the actions of others in anyway justify any behavior in your own life?
12. What have you been eating? His Word? Wrong thinking? Anything else

Brenda Craig is a published author, prophetic teacher and Seer whose desire is to know the Lord in all His fullness. Her writings and teachings reflect a deep intimacy with the Lord. As a worshiper, Brenda has received revelation on how to take the simple act of “Soaking in His Presence” to a new level and developed a teaching called Soaking with a Purpose.


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